Wednesday, July 22, 2020

QAnon? I looked it up

QAnon[a] (/kjuːəˈnɒn/) is a far-right conspiracy theory[7][8] detailing a supposed secret plot by an alleged "deep state" against U.S. President Donald Trump and his supporters

First, there is no secret plot. I am from California and the unions hate Trump, fund his opposition and are about as deep state as one can get.   But it is not a secret.  Further, it is quite common and acceptable for government unions to participate in plots against anti-union politicians.

Is this about Mueller?
Yes, but Mueller was a response to the hysterical mass mental illness that afflicted the Hillary crowd.  I do not see that as an attempt to oust Trump.  Believe me, read the nearly three years of bawling and caterwauling and one can see the need for a little government psychiatry.

So, my guess here is that the supporters of Trump chose to make a common fact into a Alt-R conspiracy theory, to get more press. It is working.

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