Tuesday, July 28, 2020

A two curvature world

The universe is a toroid an inner tube.  If we look toward the darkest direction with a telescope we will be looking down the tube, see all short of stuff.  If we measure light path by radial and forgets dual curvature, then everything seems to recede.   Any theory that looks for beginning or end ill go in circles.  A lot of astronomy will be fooled a bit by gravity lensing in two focal planes.  We would suffer a offset in the gravitation angle but not notice. If we are very quiet we might be able to split light spin using the two angles.

It is the slosh effect and the finite limits of a 3D world.  If entrop is over all finite then this becomes a system sloshing quite often that the fourth dimension remains and we ge a second curvature in the cosmology constant.  Plenty more kinetic energy contained if it can get a bit more circular.  With N expanding arbitrarily then there might be this optimum kinetic symmetry that keeps an N barrier.   Anything beyond our own inner tube will be maximally separable and unknowable, but likely another inner tube.

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