Sunday, September 27, 2020

Property tax bill and election ballot come on the same week

 In California where the ballot contains proposals for additional property tax bills. I think we have another proposal to steal another tax bracket from the Swamp, and that will pass, the other failing leaving a severe contradiction, the Swamp has to give up another tax bracket to the states.  The last battle over this was a last minute, midnight, Obama deal on the night of a mid term election. However it comes out, NY is involved, and we will have a few months of tax confusion.

For the Godotists, this is crowding out, pure and simple. It is a repeat of 2011. The outcome of the tax results can alter California's public sector recovery by a couple of years, and then the mess is hopeless. 

I have a prior. I have abandoned my tax deal with the IRS, and now I am delayed further until well into 2022 as we have a year of tax uncertainty which jams the system. At some point my puny 10 grand deal is not worth the bother, for them or for me.

In every sense of the word it is crowding out, it is people jammed in a tax line, waiting on a tax accountant, delaying city budgets, delaying retirement, hiring debt consultants etc etc etc. 

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