Saturday, September 26, 2020

Swift cash

 Really simple, all our cards can be little Swift nodes,able to carry currency issued by our correspondent bank. The swift protocol includes making change, our cards can do that and maintain the encrypted signature of the issuing bank.

It is exactly like paper, it wears out after a few years in some cases. But the Swift money protocol is a contract, it include, mark the ledger on loops, for example. Keeping loops out of any possible chained set of contracts.  All Swift cash is under Spectre management, and all Swift automated pits are Spectre hot wallets. There is a lot of bearer currency, at odds with the ledger, it should never accumulate.

In Swift the standard ledger is the standard <1,y,z>  S/L. This will be bearer cash issued by the Swift correspondent bank running the pit. We using the hierarchical approach, the ladder of correspondent banks build the liquidity distribution, a value chain. 

A histogram, almost like a yield curve with 'angle' instead of time. Each of the banks in the hierarchy cover a certain slope, up the value chain, or market size, in superposition lateral to the value chain. They are a search engine, trying to find us all and get us on account.

Swift has great advantages.

Swift was built as a value chain system with wholesale central bank.  The hierarchy distributes currency risk fairly.  Swift cash is the monopoly tax dollar and has special restrictions and right, easily implemented in the protocol. Swift is government defined and can impose some limits on bearer cash fro other ledger systems. We have an entire network of Swift compatible correspondent banks ready to use.

What is open banking? A set of accounting services the banks offer. Bet sandbox needs three APIs for Swift, take a loan, make a deposit and extract cash.  Mainly because the smart card is the ultimate source for you transaction history. It keeps your contracts.  With cash to can send it elsewhere there is a smart car that can hold the cash, including other automated pits or trusted miners.

ll contracts are really ledger swaps.  If we consider the local Spectre secure cache as a ledger, then all swaps are marks on a ledger with a trusted miner and a fails to deliver exit.  

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