Sunday, June 5, 2022

Opinion by Eleanor Clift is horse manure

The Constitution evolves. The Second Amendment should too.

The Second amendment is plain English. Regulated militia bearing arms. That mean a free market for regulated security services. The amendment means the same, what is different is us voters selecting the retarded and psychotic to sit at the Supreme court.

And another:

What does the Second Amendment mean in 2022?
The Constitution protects gun ownership — but doesn’t prevent state regulations

No, the Constitution only protects guns when in the service of a regulated security service. Once again, try plain English. Outside of regulated security services, the Second says absolutely nothing.  

Scalia was retarded. Amy Barrett is a psychotic who talks to dead people.  Thomas is a make shit up jurist.  Most of what they say should be nullified by the states, completely nullified the way California does it. 

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