Thursday, April 23, 2015

Money velocity, good or bad?

Velocity, the number of times we trade per one quarter. There are two of them, the blue is the slower pegged to the left, and the purple the faster. The blue includes checking deposits. I just say the faster one are weekly cash purchases, the slower are monthly bills paid.

The faster we go, the more specialization we have, more or less.  But that is less leisure and more work. You be the judge.

Aggregate statistics would just tell us that we need enough transactions to match leisure, to be adapted. In other words, hot and cold Wythoff positions match. But it looks like velocity was too high in the 90s and too low today.  Look at the blue, the monthly bill payers. There are fewer of them, less monthly banking.  And they both seem to drop with real growth. They both took that leap down during the crash and neither are returning. Banking has become less efficient.

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