Friday, March 2, 2018

OTC term debt

Folks are going t do it.  How does it work?

Not quite sure, but up to now I considered it an insurance function. What is the distribution of negative outcomes given the matching error from the equivalent asynchronous S&L.

The asynchronous S&L is just like Coinbase, except it matches loans in advance to deposits.  The matching error, as a series, can be accumulated by the smart insurance company. The smart insurance company places even money bets at the asynch and adds the probability of bankruptcy fee,  yield over the term, a measurement of risk,

The term lender is working with pre-quals, and that greatly lessons the risk of OTC trades.  

The alternative is to use a clever trick in the escrow routers, with the resolution by timeout.  Maybe. Some will also do a batch mode, making structured queues by term length, as if time were passing by.

The issue will come up, term debt is popular the sandbox will support it. I am not be the expert here.

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