Friday, July 13, 2018

Mish on German economists

Eurointelligence Displays Stunning Ignorance Regarding Target2

The latest Target2 Chart from the ECB is from May. Newer totals are available in some individual countries.Debtors, primarily Italy and Spain, now owe Germany close to €1 trillion. Realistically, this money cannot and will not be paid back except by a central bank bailout.
The economists are all over the map.  Some say trade with Italy is stopping, not true.   Some say this is a fictional debt, not true.

The choice for Italy is to pay 2.5% on this debt for all of eternity, they will not.  

The choice for Germany is to negotiate a bailout.  Germany has no escape, they are huge owner of the ECB and any bailout the ECB does reflects on future interest income in Germany. 

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