Tuesday, July 21, 2020

No kidding!

A MATH genius predicted violent "upheaval" events in 2020 eight years ago  and now other scholars think his model was right.
The University of Connecticut scientist analysed history between 1780 and 2010 and claimed to find a trend of unrest around every 50 years.
Yes, and that seems to be a generational overlap.  I can take it a step further, it must happen, otherwise the human race would die out. In the USA if you look a little closer you will see another unpheaval period every 150 years. This is the state scale problem.

What I want is a mathematician who can figure out why we are in denial of such a basic fact.. Why is it that each generation suddenly forgets the facts after the overlap?  How is it that a bunch of MIT economists in the 70s conned us into forgetting the basic facts of life? Is this related to the 'This time is different' phenomena? Are we forever doomed to continuous bouts of ignorance? Is ther UC Berkeley econ department forever doomed to fakery?

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