Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Right to a regulated militia

Grandpa of Murdered 11-Year Old Destroys Black Lives Matter Charade with One Sentence
“Everybody’s just saying they’re just tired – tired of the shootings in the community,” John Ayala, McNeal’s paternal grandfather, told FOX 5. “Everybody’s running around here thinking they’re Uzi-toting, dope-sucking, psychopathic killing machines and they’re just destroying lives.”
“We’re protesting for months, for weeks, saying, ‘Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter.’ Black lives matter it seems like, only when a police officer shoots a black person,” Ayala lamented, bitterly. “What about all the black-on-black crime that’s happening in the community?”
BLM and AOC have only so much time before their own voters demand more cops.

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