Monday, July 20, 2020

Thre Supremes fouled up and need another iteration

California Bans Indoor Activity at Gyms, Salons, Churches, Offices as Virus Surges
Citing rising rates of people testing positive for the coronavirus and jumps in hospitalizations, Gov. Gavin Newsom Monday ordered the closure of indoor operations at gyms, hair salons, houses of worship, personal-care services, malls and non-critical office settings.
The order affects all 30 counties on the state’s pandemic monitoring list — including San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside counties — and is effective at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday until further notice.

— A Rocklin church held multiple services Sunday despite the governor’s orders to shut down.

The pastor of Destiny Christian Church, Greg Fairrington, says he held three services with 375 people gathered inside at once.

According to Fairrington, at full capacity, the church can hold 1,500 people. He says he only allowed 25% of people to attend in order to make physical distancing possible.

This time Newsom did not single out churches. So I see no state restriction that singles out a potential state religion.

But the Supremes just fucked up, they gave a religious exception for New York when that was Due Process. In that case churches were cheated just like all other groups, Cuomo made an exception for his pals.

Now this Rocklin preacher wants to challenge Newsom and this goes to the Supremes, and they have confused the issue. I* see neither a Due Process yet, nor a religion being singled out. If this goes to the supremes, then they will have to admit fouling up last time, or have to make shit up. It is not a pleasant thought.

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