Friday, July 17, 2020

Tom Knighton, simply stupid

Yet he also misses the damn point. He misses it so much it’s almost impressive. After all, no one is saying that the AR-15 is literally a musket. We’re saying that it fills the same role as the musket back in the day. It’s a weapon they can use to defend either their home or their nation as necessary.

Tom is an NR$A gun nut.  Only and idiot would say a musket and an AK 47 are not the same, then sue the one an an analogy for the other.

But, direct to his point. We have  every right in the world to restrict distribution of assault weapons, especially with idiot NRA gun nuts running around.  Restricting distribution of AK47 is perfectly fine with the right to a common defense and a regulated militia. It ids a right of regulation granted by the Second Amendment, and Iif I can get simple ideas into the head of Thomas at the sSpremes, I would beat every single dim bulb in the NRA on the issue.

AK47 have been and will be legally regulated as we exercise our second amendment rights. Our ability to be around dangerous fire arms worried the founders considerable, the is why they made the right to bear conditional on common defense.  The founders were quite worried about nut heads, especially the Bearing Arms type.

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