Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The future of economics is meeting the Lucas criteria

Is This the Future of Economics?

Using ambiguous terms like 'market' does not advance your cause.  The p[rogressives still suffer flat earth problems and their outcomes are never really predictable.

Here is an answer:

What happened in 1971 is that we begin using the Fed as an agent of taxation against the poor and middle class. Taxation without representation of the poor was widely pushed by the Kenynesians. The fix is to meet Lucas criteria, recognize that progressives are a foul as the other side. 

We should  just admit the facts and keep it minimal. The alternative is your proposal, ignore the side effects and flat earth it with a can kick.  Your approach of kicking the can reaces a diminishing returns, as the Lucas criteria would tell you.  Now is the time for strategic devaluation, with at leas a bit of Lucas thrown in.  Make the current banking collapse a little less horrid than the one under Nixon.

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