Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Tis equation

 G_{\mu \nu }\equiv R_{\mu \nu }-{\textstyle 1 \over 2}R\,g_{\mu \nu }={8\pi G \over c^{4}}T_{\mu \nu }\,

They are extracting a four dimensional vector, along which the flat earth trajectory is valid, m*c^2 constant, energy constant.  The assumption is that mass gets crowded and light needs an additional kinetic axis to keep up, support a larger N.   In the limit, if you are willing to let the computer run for some time, an overly dense system will invert the time space transform    No one lets this go to infinity, they just let it go far enough to transform an observed phenomena into flat earth.

Except a few which had continuous solution.   If energy is constant, ligh actions are conserved, and a partition yields that some outer exterior of  sphere gets no light, under the assumption of ftractonal approximation. 

These relativity problems should come down t estimating an irrational with finite topology. The Last variable, the funny T, ultimately points to an irrational, but it defines the energy function.  With the help of Newton's grammar, they just count up enough N to get more relative primes on the job. There is no need to count more.  They are jumping up in tuples, getting as many relative primes as they need.

The funny part is the energy relationship in flat earth. The stuff on the left, then have to be the hyperbolic and circular allocations of round off error.

Newton has: M1 * M2 * r^2..  He is suggesting the number of times an M1 an M2 event happens in a symmetry about the radius.   He has gotten Pi and can run that to infinity.  The little event M1 and M2 become forces. Then he sets his flat earth G based on that rotation time.  What makes it a force? Pi, the irrational.  And the funny T a the end of Einsteins equation, tells you the dependence in Pi, in one case. The relativity is a vector along which Pi is most accurate.  

It is not Newton' theory of gravity. It is the theory of gravity that works with Pi, and is subject, in the limit, to point sources.  It ha a limit in 3D, the part about infinite subdivision.

If there is a 4D word in a lack hole then it is meta stale, the the thing must be leaking. I can't see it any other way without conserving vacuum.

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