Thursday, July 9, 2015

Kanosian nightmare season is on us

Why bother with the links.
  • The IMF downgrades US growth and forgets to mention the huge Obamacare expenses consumers got saddled with.
  • Taxes in DC are rising 10% a year! Go look for your self.
  • Home equity loans and the housing bubble is back to 2006.
  • Euro elites try to suppress the unsustainability report on Greece.
  • Chicago is bankrupt and the Kanosians cannot say bailout.
  • Yet another Bush is trying to run up the deficit and crash the economy.
  • Chinese Orwellians are  in full panic mode.
  • California now in its second year of Obamacare fraud
  • And UC Berkeley professors  think there is a Magic Walrus in the Swamp

Every middle class person needs to absolutely demand a banker bot and smart card, like right now before the hidden agendas and fraud gets marked to market.

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