On the smart card, the bankers take responsibility for avoiding counterfeit. Competitively or cooperatively, but they maintain the levels of security. High security cards have more frequent hardware updates. Banks pay for good hardware security in the chip. So the banks guarantee a unique bot to bot transfer, all most likelihood bets, or lists. They guarantee bot to bot exchanges are validated to the hardware of two cards in any exchange. Hence, spoof proof software is possible. What a business banks would have.
They can share a common key, and several sub sets; from a hardware key that is ever changing, security exchanges more often where flow is high. They beat the counterfeiters, almost everywhere. The hardware designed for no human entry, hardware pods guarded, like a minting plates. Getting this security right means the banker own cash, that security is cash. A cheap, almost perfect, hardware key protection.
The math is all Dannica Mckellar, with bits if information like fermions sharing a lattice. Bankers, she is a natural, seriously. Make her a VP of something. This security id doable, the hardware vendor has access to the whole chip, or guarded por, what every. The counterfeiters can't keep up.
The conserved quantity is credit history. Every trader can demand a bit of it, and it is secure. This is smart card hardware precision matched to flow and credit history dimensionality. A fair information trader. The bot guaranteed to follow the rules of credit history.
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