Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Here is a clue about Cardlogix

They already sell Smart Cards as employee badges. These cards can already retain all your web passwords, making the company secure.  This is no brainer applications and all employee badges will be Smart Card compatible.

So your employer puts your uncashed paycheck into your employee badge. What is a banker going to do? Well the banker already accepts the employee badge as a valid idea, the bankers card reader can extract data. So naturally, the banker will accept an employee paycheck stored inside your smart card, if the smart card can guarantee to adjust its internal balances to note the transfer. In other words, CardLogix has already re-invented cash. Card Logix simply needs to guarantee safe bot to bot communications and fair trading.   Card Logix needs card to card security at the hardware level. 

Bankers guarantee account balancing, and if a software vendor violates that agreement they will soon be sued for counterfeit. The SmartCard becomes a secure gateway to honest accounting, it becomes money. But it is intelligent money. Since the card has access to honest data, it always knows the most likely price. Try to get a cut rate deal, below most likely price and you might win. But beating the most likely price happens when inside information is placed into the honest bot network.

Everything is enforceable, all the technology is here.  Hence the big push to get a reliable team. Of course the team I select is the one we want, and there are 40 million of us who want a good banker bot team.

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