Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Jerry Brown, close down the UC Berkeley econ department

Brad Delong, doing his duty?
Olivier Blanchard, when he parachuted me into this panel, asked me to “be provocative”

Olivier Blanchard works for the IMF, and does not pay Brad's salary. In fact, Olivier Blanchard is a clueless basket weaver from the MIT school of economics, like Krugman.  The shithead does not even consider California to have a valid government, yet we are the eight largest economy in the world.

Jerry Brown, who makes sure that Brad gets his salary, has asked, many times, why does California constantly spiral, and why does California have all these duplicate mandatory spending requirements that cause spiral.  Jerry Brown did not ever ask Brad to obey the whim of some statistically incompetent economist from the IMF.

So, I ask again, if the UC Berkeley econ department wants to go hunt for Magic Walruses in DC with Olivier, then shut Berkeley down and let them have fairy tales on their own nickel.   So, Jerry, get more direct and forceful about the rotten hole we have up in Berkeley.

Thank You.

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