Monday, July 20, 2015

The banker interface

Its important to note, banker bot offers bankers a distributed spreadsheet, with a state dependent change on spread sheet images. Bankers just add the what ifs, set the owner's profile. Bots can sell as a high roller or conservative; becoming a virtual and accurate counting machine.   The banker and owner become intimate, and real time coordinated at exactly the pace of transactions.

The bot reserves a portion of bot to bot hardware security.  The technology burden is zero, and paid for. Bankers have no need to fear this technology, it is exactly what banker do.

Local discount points:

In their local community bankers set up discount points, 5% off wherever used.  He gets these into the consumer smart card. The banker then offers deposit and loan rates on the points. Merchants see obvious improvements in flow volatility,  off days vs on days.  Merchant  fill in the gaps by lending and saving discount points, and using them. Efficiency gainer, the banker does his job. So the points offer local consumers the same goods with less wait in line. Every local banker can be the central bank, even on poker night.

How to trade local points:

Bring up the proper web page and tap once to buy ten dollars worth. The TapnTrade app. A good idea if you go local on slow night, services are cheap. merchants sell complete dinners for points, then trade them for tax payments. Suppliers hold on to them and when transport is slow, they  offer points as a discount. The whole supply chains globs onto the idea. Encode and decode for the community becomes more accurate.

What about Banker Coin?

These coins are dedicated to preserving security.  The only real transaction cost for smart card is hardware security. Banker coins cover this, keep some on deposit, borrow them when needed. It is perfectly reasonable to have security fees go up or down for some bot protocols, it is an adjustable fee. So we should all be on the look out for good deals to buy Banker Coin.

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