Wednesday, June 13, 2018

No entry and exit

Originally, Target2 was designed to facilitate cross-border transactions within the eurozone. The system achieved this goal. From the point of view of critics, this means that the Deutsche Bundesbank provides long-term unsecured and non-interest-bearing loans to the central banks of other eurozone countries , especially the central banks of southern countries Italy, Spain and Portugal.

Member banks are monopoly licenses to the national central banks.  These central banks hold risky sovereign debt and pass that burden to the ecb, except for he northern central banks, especially Germans whose government generates no risky debt.   As long as Germany relies on the euro, they inherit currency risk.

Solution, Germany will eat some losses.  The ECB has to sell membership, by ratio. Governments would be wise, indeed, to sell goods and insurance in units of euro,it would be the only honest money.  They get more than enough gain by the simplicity of internal transfer payments, let the currency be neutral.

Consider  internal devaluation

Guv can't pay charges and needs regime change, requant.    OK, fine, but there should be no barrier to any domestic group that meets the entry costs, the economy still has a priced access to honest money, banking still penetrates, sufficiently, no more no less.

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