Thursday, June 28, 2018

Just like the Obamacare tax

Until now, 22 states had in place a so-called “fair share” provision, which required people represented by unions who did not choose to be members of these unions to pay fees to cover the cost of the unions’ collective bargaining activities. 
I do believe state legislatures are allowed to tax workers.  I have personal evidence of the fact. 

Are state legislatures allowed to provide funds to unions?  Absolutely, just like Obamacare taxes the workers give the money to health services.  Unions no different, Calizuela can easily defeat this with a union tax.

What the law specifies is a Due Process for appeal if the tax is applied unfairly.  But we have that already with the income tax. So the state takes a fixed amount of worker tax, and by  law subsidizes collective bargaining. The fees have to pass through a government agency and be re-distributed.

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