Friday, June 29, 2018

I have a fan of workcamp

Talking to one of the lost and tattooed kids, I mentioned the the workcamp idea.   Pick the kids with priors up on Friday, one weekend, drop him off Sunday.  The city could do it cheap, resell the labor to agriculture and the kids gets 150 bucks for a week end. Or clean brush in the mountains. The kids get time served, after all they are supervised and watched, it substitutes for a parole appointment.

My survey of this one tattooed thought it a great idea. Give cities a criminal justice exemption, by voted law. Try it in an economically depressed zone, small scale. The key is get the kids out of the hood and into work camp for three days.

We can call it a new type of incarceration, voluntary service detail.  The most minimum of minimum security. We don't care if they are institutionalized, in workcamp.  There are plenty skills to learn in camotown teardown, build up, maintenance and systems. Include in that food and disposal skills, running the canteen, and so on. Workcamp is an end or a bridge.

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