Sunday, June 24, 2018

Kevin Drum just whispers a bit of the PC

The Homeless in Los Angeles

He is clueless.  

They need drug treatment, he says.  Yes, of the nearly 100k campers, about have need a 50,000 drug treatment, except we don't have an outpatient facility for 30,000 meth and opioid addicts.

Where do they come from, Kevin? Bith the high cost of living and the collapse of  economies in the North East.  And a truly great number are invited to LA to camp out, invited by Cal politicians.

So far, Kevin's cute talking points reveal about 10 billion in medical resources needed by the City of LA, and the problem is growing for the sanctuary city with free medical care.  

We get more and massive immigrant waves. We cannot stop the Mexican meth cartels without stepping on Nancy's toes, so the drug problem grows, not sinks.  Cities have no discretionary funds left for temporary work, and the work so highly regulated as to be cost inefficient.

The politically correct class is keeping their mouth shut, a smart move.   Nothinghere works using the usual talking points, we need many more well managed camptown around the world, get people stable before Soros sends them all to the LA medical center.

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