Sunday, June 24, 2018

Expensive camptowns

Kevin grasping at straws 
The best solution is Permanent Supportive Housing, which works better than most people realize. This typically takes the form of small clusters of apartments managed by caseworkers.

Why does Orange County have so few homeless?
Of all the issues identified as roadblocks to siting PSH within Orange County cities, one of the most challenging is resident opposition to placing any type of housing for the homeless within their neighborhoods….

The difference between Orange Count and LA is that LA has invited them to come stay, Orange county did not.  

Thus Orange county has fewer homeless to worry about, and that is the policy that working. 

The Orange County solution has enough caseworkers, with pensions to manage an apartment complex, including babysitting the dysfunctional.  If that is the best, then why not build tent cities?   The idea that the grand jury knows this problem is horseshit.  The drug problems will kill the deal.

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