Friday, April 3, 2015

Reagan gets top Communist in the last 40 years

Top Employment Gains per Presidential Terms (000s)
RankTermPrivatePublic Total Non-Farm
1Clinton 110,88569211,577
2Clinton 210,0701,24211,312
3Reagan 29,3571,43810,795
  Obama 215,869215,890
126 Months into 2nd Term
2Current Pace for Obama's 2nd Term

Calculated Risk came up with this chart. And as usual we note Reagan coming in at first place in providing government jobs, generally with liberal use of debt.  I would rank Clinton behind Obama for his Communist tendencies, coming in just behind Reagan for government jobs,except  many of Clinton's public jobs were state jobs and he is not entirely to blame, Gray Davis, governor of Californa gets blame for that mess.  And, by the way, all that unemployment in California during the crash? Those were Gray's employees getting laid off because Gray also fouled up the pension system.

Charles McBride is clueless about connecting the dots between debt levels, layoffs, government jobs and the difference between state and federal jobs.  Obama is still the hero of the day when he figured out that a zillion government jobs do not an economy make.

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