Monday, July 2, 2018

CO2 pollution: Energy taxers in an inflation adjusted world will fail

Brad Delong, an off and off again advocate for inflation adjustment in government programs, also supports increasing the energy tax. We will end up doing the Calizuela spiral, energy taxes going straight to pension funds via the inflation adjustment rules.

Government, using Brad's advocacy, has protected all its major entitlement programs from gas tax inflation.  Medicine, the third largest user of energy is guaranteed its funding.  Rail systems in Calizuela, the most inefficient user of energy is guaranteed its funding, from gax taxes.

Instead, Ww need to continue the legal angle.  Have various groups prove damage from externalities, put up the paid costs vs energy used.    If I am a provable pedestrian in San Francisco then what are the extra costs of CO2 induced inclement weather? I think a provable pedestrian can claim a $500 legal grant. Pricing error is huge, but improves over time. Take the legal angle.

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