Wednesday, August 28, 2019

How California spends CO2 taxes

An audit has found nearly 60 former Sacramento, California, city employees, including 18 former police officers, continued to use their city IDs to get free gasoline after leaving city employment. All told, they took some 10,000 gallons of fuel. Records show that the fleet management division was informed the employees had retired, resigned or been fired but did not revoke their access to city fuel pumps. Officials say they are taking steps to stop this from happening again, including installing surveillance cameras. No word on whether the former employees who took the gas will face charges or whether the employees who didn't revoked their pump access will face any punishment.
Waddya know, they use CO2 taxes to promote more CO2 pollution that otherwise would have been.  Thus, the 500 economists who signed the CO2 tax proposal all know this! That is why they signed, in an effort to increase CO2 pollution for their pals on government check.

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