Thursday, August 22, 2019

How is my new company you ask?

My transportation company, By Air, which got eaten by another company of mine.

The idea is simple. Anyone can buy my autonomous plane, it will take off on a ten foot runway, spiral up above the canopy, and fly to Walmart, where the attendant packs it full of groceries, less than 20 pounds.

Anyone can do this, for two grand per plane. No license needed, your machine will take legal flights to and from Walmart. Just fill it with gas, like a lawn mower. Watch the blades, like a lawn mower.

Anyway, my lab here in Fresno is producing experimental ones, and I can get them to fly straight up with a huge five foot wing. I have seven of them, all of different designs.  Sign up to be the first for your own airline. I can sell them for two grand, good for a hundred flights between maintenance.

What kind of power?

I like combustion for the task, though I am electric in the lab. Why not methanol based biofuel? The convenience is worth the extra p[rice, and by using methanol, the extra pollutants are not there, engine is much simpler. The autonomous plane only needs 3 kw of power, about three horses. The plane is very lightweight, the cargo is only 20 pounds, and under mass production, using carbon fiber or hardened foam, we get retail pricing down to two grand. Why buy a car? Just sent plane bot.

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