Tuesday, August 27, 2019

White politician practicing racism

Biden: Racism in US is institutional, ‘white man’s problem’

And Joe Biden, with this racist statement, proves his own point.

From my point of view the issue is, do we want a failed Hispanic state?  The answer from everyone will be no, Hispanics, Blacks and Whites, all agree, no failed Hispanics state.  So if that is racist, count me in, like my fellow Hispanics here in Calizuela; we are biased against failed Hispanic state, and we have three of four just south of us if you include Venezuela. California is already over the edge, so we have Calizuela Hispanics running to Texas where the economy still works.

My advice to Hispanics is get a primer on balance of power and checks and balances. Then Hispanics will not always vote for failed Hispanic state.

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