Friday, August 30, 2019

Robert Schiller is blowing smoke

The Trump Narrative and the Next Recession
There is too much randomness in Trump’s management of the presidency to make persuasive predictions. He will surely try to stick to his public narrative, which has worked so well for so long. But a severe recession may be his undoing. And even before economic catastrophe strikes, the public may begin paying more attention to his aberrations – and to contagious new counter narratives that crowd out his own.
This is the conclusion of the article, the the content itself had absolutely nothing to do with how and why we will get a recession.  Robert has not been in the news lately since housing is not yet leading the bust this time around. So he does the usual horse shit one does with a bunch of leftwards, he makes the usual psychological fantasy about Trump's style causing recessions.

How did we get recessions before Trump? Clinton had a minor recession, much of today's recession goes back to Obama, they do not just appear randomly.  Now, with Schiller and the other Keynesians in a rut, they will need two more yeas of anti-Trump ranting before they recover.

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