Friday, December 27, 2019

Small state scaling problem

The rate of farmer suicide has been on the rise across the United States and Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.) recently introduced the Seeding Rural Resilience Act to curb it. The senators want to spread awareness about mental health on the farm.
“Our bipartisan bill would empower people who are in a position to identify farmers who need help to get them help,” said Grassley in an op-ed on his website on Dec. 26.

The Iowa lawmaker said farming is full of uncertainties as it is at the “mercy of Mother Nature” and leads to sleepless nights and anxiety.
He quoted the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in his op-ed and said the rate of suicide is 45 percent higher in rural America than in urban areas.“Farmers have higher rates than the general population. A number of factors may contribute to the rural-urban disparity, including geographic isolation, distance from health care services, stigma associated with obtaining mental health care services, and financial pressures stemming from the downturn in the farm economy,” he said.
Neither senator mentioned that our national programs do not work in small states, except for social security.  Mental therapy does not help, what helps if senators getting clues.  I will admit that Tester and Grassley are gettng clues about the problem, we need faster learning.

For example, what are these small states buying the Texas Space cadets? The last thing they need is dealing with Texas earmarks. They need to say no to the budget until the small state problem is fixed.

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