Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The US military seems to agree

US Must "Pursue Targeted Decoupling" From China's Economy, Says Former US Ambassador
Despite the latest Sino-American phase one deal to ease tensions over trade, one former top US official is now calling for a decoupling between both economies, reported the South China Morning Post (SCMP).

Former US ambassador to India Ashley Tellis explains in a new book titled Strategic Asia 2020: US-China Competition for Global Influence -- that the world's two largest economies have entered a new period of sustained competition.

Tellis said Washington had developed a view that "China is today and will be for the foreseeable future the principal challenger to the US."
"The US quest for a partnership with China was fated to fail once China's growth in economic capabilities was gradually matched by its rising military power," he said.
At the bottom of this problem is China and drones over the Asian Seas.  That is connected to the Huweini sanctions, fear of bots, bundle of bytes, eight at a time. Everyone has to move their expensive hardware back from the front, in a thematic sense. A hardening of the AI streams, bounds set by government in military and civilian life.

But the realignment creates an endogenous conflict. The realignment includes writing off part of a large hardware base in the military, going back decades, a repricing.  Senators from Alaska, Vermont and Wyoming gave up some earmarks to pay for the hardware. And current military earmarks are threatened by the realignment.

It is more deja vu, it is SDI all over again, it is the two bombers being phased out leaving us with B52, and invention from the 50s. It is Texas Space Cadets, much of that written off as losses. That causes disappearing earmarks.

The realignment is about securing our remote centers of AI, the AI sitting in UAVs must be secure, the betting bots, the doorbell video bots, speakers that spy on us.  The Terminator Rise of the Machines is upon us. We have to get with the Matrix.

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