Saturday, August 14, 2021

Maybe not

The new inflation: Don't expect food or gas prices to fall any time soon

Since the end of 2020, consumer prices for gasoline, food, housing and most everything else have surged and there is growing concern about inflation. Individual price increases are not inflation; by definition, inflation is a sustained pace of decline in the value of money. It occurs when all prices are generally rising, causing the value of money to fall.

Let's look:

Is the dollar going o fall? a ybe, but it is not generally rising price, it is oil. The price of oil determines the value of the petrodollar. The petrobanks hve to lose the battle first, then we get a general rise in prices.

They may very well give up the petro dollar under pressure fro the Saudis., ut we have no evidence yet.

On the subject of dollar debasement I see a lot of cart before horse.  I think it will take an act of Congress to debase the dollar, and Congress does indeed do that once a generation. But not yet.

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