The idea is to minimize fraud due to spoofing banker bot, then banker bot pays a patent fee to the security technology that best reduces fraud.
The main security technology banker bot wants is reverse engineering technology for some large array of read only memory in the Smart Card. Make reverse engineering this patch of silicon expensive and time consuming.
Then banker bot uses relative security such the high volume currency flows require more frequent updates. In other words, it is not cost effective to reverse engineer the small spenders, and the big spenders update their cards more often.
Now varying levels of security is not patentable, sorry Apple. Varying the security level is defined by varying the amount of information reduction when validating the hardware code. Thus high volume users must validate using the entire code, and code changes require updates to the high volume card. Updates are not as frequent for low volume users, they reduce the information in the hardware code, and a succession of new hardware codes will not effective low spenders.
And, high volume users must be more secure with their cards since their cards are not reducing hardware code information. Thus, we can specify three possible manufacturing mores, and low volume users will be more difficult to reverse engineer since much of the hardware code is scrambled and not used for low spenders. So if a firm runs a bot based betting tree, then that firm will buy the higher quality card, and the firm activities monitored by banker police.
Using this approach, then, the Russian and Chinese hackers have to make an industry out of the theft, a continual industrial flow. Regular cops can chase that down. So the banker play the probability game, and they still come out way ahead.
So, the bot revises its patent policy, it does pay patent fees for better hardware security.
Anyway, the plot thickens. If Cal Tech is doing the Theory of Everything, then they need Peter Keevash. Wherever Peter Keevash goes, the bankers will follow. If the Cal Tech alumni have access to the TOE, then they have to do banker bot. Dannica cannot refuse a two year movie gig as VP of marketing. That means the Alternative Money group has to go down there and manage the swarm of bankers. Jerry Brown is not turning down an opportunity to make Pasadena the banking capital of the world. . Done deal, Apple, you been whooped.
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