There are none, no patent issues. The bot makes probability distributions and probability graphs. It does so by sending and receiving list of values. The bot will make a bet. It is a double sided Black-Scholes, a self adapted constrained flow. An arrangement of letters and math symbols. There is no patentable techniques anywhere. It talks encrypted, no patent issues. Bot talks wireless and you can tap codes with it, no patent issues. Tap away, learn a bit of Morse code and talk to your bot, secretly, under the table, no patent issues.
It cannot be spoofed, it is slightly information inefficient. It is counterfeit proof, stitch it in micro circuit, make it self destruct, no patent issues. There is no patent issue regarding tapping code on your television phone browser thing. None. Banker bot disputes any high charges or fake fees for finger printing. It will index anything using a maximum likelihood graph. Take it home each day and tap in all the new stuff from the bot onto your application, no patent issue. Everything is a list or bet, on any communication device or biology, no patent issues.
Banker bot uses many common un-patentable methods, it makes operators out of finite probability distributions, no patent issue claimed or expected. Any method that claims rights to finite ordering of probability distributions is expected to be denied, as will be rights to any entropy function or distribution, denied, no patent issue. Offering various levels of security for the bot owner, no claim attempted, none expected; no patent issue.
Banker bot releases any rights to SmartVault or its varieties, no patent issue. Take the bot home, to its PC connection, no patent issue, letting bot roam the price lists in your neighborhood, against your driving habits; or any method of probability matches between distributions, no patent patent issue.
You can bet with it, cheat your friends, buy stuff, get a paycheck with bot, no patent issue. The bot is always a fair maximum likelihood better, it cannot cheat without the owner permission, no patent issue. Bots are honest to each other, above all, and share probability distributions as collateral, no patent issue.
This will be the most valuable item ever to come in common use, an optimum sequencer of everything, each person having their own, in their pocket at all times.
Folks, you know who, want my team in Pasadena surrounded by the smartest math wiz kids. That gets a great future, you will love their product.
The team:
Keevash, the Brits will be pissed when we steal him. Let the Brits in on the deal, and give them an option to buy Keevash back. Dannica and her acting, we put her on video. She is the VP marketing. You cannot do better than Alt-Money for the executive team. Cal Tech will love it, those math kids will all protect you from the cybers. This is a no brainer, this is as barrier proof as you get; this is Cal Tech, the best; and their alumni investors. Cal Tech will not turn this down, the kids are likely nutty about it already. Cal Tech does the theory of everything. They have some obligation to society, they will do this.
Jerry Brown will be all over this, he will make the California coin. We can send him to Oxford, take official custody of Peter. Jerry will not let Cal Tech back out. And Jerry will make a buy, five million at least for the receivers of taxes. He will pay $15 per standard SmartCard with the Cal Tech bot inside. Put this team in Pasadena, this is the most likely winner..
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