Friday, June 15, 2018

More trusted miner

The goal is to, mostly everywhere, prevent fraudulent python code working trades with my power of attorney, How can we price the scofflaws?

Break the problem in two steps.  We create the relaxed condition that honest trades can be detected as approximately right, when cleared in market.   I can watch my trades go by and see they mostly look right, except for the frauds picking up spare change. The frauds hunting dimes are discoverable, ex-post, since the correct trading code is known.

The miners with partial approvals power, run python code off the python blockchain. The collection of miners, like the user, knows what it mostly looks like.  But  fraud assigned t, o fraudster ex post, damage limited.

With support from the python interpreter, a closer protection by signing the code as it is executed. Codes prior bounded and known checksum.  We can see where this leads, get key components, closed, in instruction cache using Spectre pipeline control, an internet standard. As simple as segmenting the interpreter a bit, the control segment being executable under kernel cache protection.

VCs need find that botchain company, good idea.

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