Monday, June 4, 2018

Trusted miner

I consider a network of mners, connected with no cycles. The finite set has registration and exit procedures such the the connectivity is stable.

Miners come to an agreement in three ways, accept the transaction, reject it, or timeout.  In the event of a timeout, the party at risk issues reject.  Upon reject or accept, the eventual outcomes, the miners sign the resolution as it returns from the completed discovery. Thus, the valid token carries the transaction and multisig validation, unique, hopefully irreversible.  The completed result immediately liquid within the trading group.

Seems safe to me, and a group of 20 trusted miners could run million a second over high speed swap net.

Technology of swapnet

I still like python with protect and verify mode, a good python connecting directly with the spectre spec for the silverfish. Intel owes me a big check, by the way. Add flask.

Customer POV

Great concept, the miners are actually personal notaries, working for us, making sure sandbox working and goodies arrive. The techies take this baseline, do their crypto magic and it be done on swapnets in a few weeks. Use the little notary tree for a variety of swaps, but the swaps must be closed and complete in the trade group.  Double spend outside the trade group policed.


I love Telegram, go ahead, do us the complete swapnet.  

The thing is, a secure python is all that we needed, the rules that make Telegram are embedded in the notary bots we share and prove, a priori.  So any number of assorted web sites can join an arbitrary trade group, check out and verify the notary bots, and options. Then, just run secure python. right their at their web site. Swapnets are just virtual group synchronizing protocols.

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