Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Auto html in join

The html emitter nd LazyJ search and replace can generate the basic boundaries, but it need not go directly to press, it can move to a memory index and be further joined with a javascript layout manager. The CIO works with his information warriors to impose coordination between generic header and sub header  upon which can be written anchor, selectors, forms, all via the interposition of javascript control of the base html tagged structures.

Call the highest level of join in the stack the layout grammar, and it can spin right out to the user browser, serially, as the final script is composed. The presentation layout is done by a human with an editor, which abstracts the javascript compositions and widgets forms into a template to the lay out grammar in join.  Join can run freely, generating timely summaries of the web to the user in the proper form.  Any request from the user is recovered, made self consistent (pathes resolved), then dumped to the local join machine.

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