Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The millennial frame of mind

My theory is that millennials are now the swing vote, since Obama's election.  Under this assumption what have they decided?

Obamacare taxes were too much, Pelosi lost four of the next five elections after Obamacare taxes started climbing.

Trump came along and cut Obamacare taxes and other taxes. Then interest rates begin climbing and housing went to bear market.  Millennials voted the Dems back in the House.

They are trying to get the balance but are now stuck between high taxes, high interest rates and maybe a  sequester.  I am not sure that have any other choice, they cannot pay the federal interest costs, and will not have a future with the ten year above 3.5%.  Now they are the marginal voice in both the Senate and House.  Boomers are not paying for any of this, they will retire in stampedes to escape the cost.

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