Thursday, November 29, 2018

Smart card concept in linux

In a promotional video not dissimilar from the sleek ads released by tech giants such as Apple, Coinvest unveiled the Coinvest Vault – which is designed for storing digital assets. The company says the hardware wallet provides a “one-of-a-kind security architecture” and supports the transfer of hundreds of different assets – and a special emphasis has been placed on simplicity and user experience.
The Coinvest Vault runs on the Linux operating system and is equipped with a 3.5-inch LED touchscreen display, and is furnished with a USB-C connection that can be used for authenticating desktop and mobile devices. According to the company, the hardware wallet’s screen – along with its authentication chip – can “protect consumers even if the host computer is infected with a virus or malware.”

A linux in your pocket!  This looks like an iPod, and really will work.   Linux is fully a distributed architecture in that development groups can remotely agree on a transaction contract layer.

The full linux is a bit of over kill, we need my idea of a simpler, character based linux for embedded 'accounting devices', devices managed by bots which view the world as arrays directed graphs of ints and strings, not bitmaps. Designed to run on an accountants character based screen.  hen since it is single user, by security of design, all of the Spectre fixes work fine, super threading not needed. The smart contracts protocol utilizes instruction cache control to implement shortest path to resolution with trusted miners, and that makes pure, liquid bearer asset.
2018 was year one, my prediction is true.  Most of this driven by what we know from spectre. The entire fintech industry 'gets it'.

This gets my vote:

Coinvest argues that entering the crypto world has been a bewildering prospect for the public to date – with thousands of coins, hundreds of wallets and multiple exchanges vying for their attention. Its website explains: “We aim to lower the barriers to investing and liquidity by providing simple, accessible solutions to all audiences.”

This company is founded by a bunch of MS alumni. Linux needs to agree on a contracts protocol. It needs to be constructed from a small, closed set of atomic transactions, operations on account. The grammar specifies a parse tree made of these, finite, no loops top to bottum directed graph, the format for protocol.

The protocol acts like a script, executing kernel secure transactions, all consistent within the instruction cache. The protocol has an extensive, off line  'proofing' industry, and ongoing, online  protocol police bots monitoring accounts ex-post, the trusted miners.  So the protocol defines confirm points, and defines clear exit and swap points within the cache for security clean up.

But, it is, in essence, a special cache mode, likely built into linux at the kernel layer and connected to secret key capability of the processor.  The result is a scripting grammar executed by the kernel inside the closed instruction cache.  The kernel in charge, connected to processor secret key management. The proof here is 'proof of only path aailable',  all counter parties locked in the cache, their trusted miners gove the go ahead, and nothing leaves the cache until all parties reach another check point in the protocol.

In this manner, we can guarantee that the cost of scofflaws cheating the trusted miners is bounded. The honest miners gaining advantage in tracking down scofflaws, ex poste.  The protocol includes auxiliary methods for crypto badges and prequals.  This is all easy stuff for the linux community.

The protocol looks like a standard set of spreadsheet functions, he contract a rectangular balance sheet.  Generae these from the NASB list, automatically, look at Quicken, GNUCash, both of which will be participants. Given the device above, we can iagine a Quicken contracts manager which shows the user all he automatic updates to his sheet, in real time.  Qucken or GNUcash pros could lead the charge, full integration with Coinvest.

Dumping the bitmap in hardware wallet

GUI is bad in hardware wallets because the ots do not talk GUI, they talk lain text.  The cards will notwork for the user if we have to translate between GUI and contract script. All contracts will be plain structured text.  Accounting isbuilt upon the well defined monetary entries, the human user needs to see the plain text operate in raw contract form. We are not masking anything, GUI in ths app is a mask. the card is desined to talk to other bots while the user watches. Keep the GUI at the personal desktop or laptop, where applications lie.

Key insight
Spectre was not a bug, it is a proof of completion protocol for instruction caches, it is the key innovation that makes 'shortest path to completion' work which enables trusted miners. It is kernel expensive to swap the protocol in and out of cache, securely. But we don't care, the trusted miners take secondat check points, swapping out will be the norm; keep the swap secure. We have inverted the bug.  Malicious threads have become trusted miners. Swapping costs have become secure checkpoint waits.

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