Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Let us cycle

"Raising rates too quickly could unnecessarily shorten the economic expansion, while moving too slowly could result in rising inflation and inflation expectations down the road that could be costly to reverse, as well as potentially pose financial stability risks."
A currency issuer at equilibrium has no idea what the next move in interest charges will look like.

In the case of the Fed they seem to know a lot about the future, as if they we far enough off equilibrium such that there is only one direction back to normal.  So, they make these announcements, basically telling us what the debt cartel has computed based on their wealthy clients.

 In other words, they are coordinated rates to 'glide' government debt and get creditors paid off. We can see the deliberate control over the curve slope, accumulating paper until the pressure is off the ten year yield. The cycle comes from regime change in the Swamp which are the only borrowers in the Fed balance sheet.

Mathematically it is easy to treat the loan and deposit queues as a spectra and they obviously do not match, one is 'aliased' with respect to the other.  That is government debt is way over sampled and private deposits way undersampled.  Mathematically, two spectra distributions that are aliased is the definition of cycle.

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