Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The architecture of a personal contract manager

This stuff is years old.  But it is a simple, secure, small spreadsheet function in our ATM card.  It operates on the standard personal accounts schema, and contracts have access to secure macros (or dictionaries) that they can check for compliance.  Contracts become scripts on the secure spreadsheet.

Use the same layout to manage keys held privately in the card. Keep a few secure key macros that can generate public keys of various sorts, under contract.  Simple stuff, but it requires counterfeit proofing and monitoring by trusted forensic accounting miners on the network. It works, it brings everyone equally close to the currency issuer, it enables things like generic stock issuance from groups of individuals.  Techies need to break the rules here, get the prototypes out and deal with NSA later. Just keep transacted message protocols short, to the point so there is less space for cheating and terrorizing.

Chain contracts

Open software collaboration made easy.  Each party uses their smart card fr login and releases, and work performance monitored by the smart card contract.  Renumeration back to the developer is assured at later date, depending on product significance.  Philanthropists can offer personal loans to the poor, and return on deposits for same.  Hand held, used everywhere from purchase to driver license to employment ID.  All really based on a simple thumbprinted agreement to execute specific scripts overour personal spreadsheet for a variety of contracts.

Easily extended to handling remote power of attorney, we agree to allow a bot to trade remotely for us, done through the checks and balances of the smart card and limited to contracts represented as convolutions over short finite spreadsheet structures.  Handle all forms of secure login in via its NFC interface, carry our photo ID.

Family budget agreements, shared rental agreements, group contracts of all sort, including buyers clubs.  Distributed credit apps that the corner grocer can use with his measurable customer base. Put in conrtact what the corner grocer knows about customer ability to make promises.  Transaction costs dropping everywhere, yield a rich industry of distributed, contracted credit applications. The ability of like minded individuals to make contracts across the globe would be unprecedented.

What is the format?

Comma separate CSV files, a subset of LazyJ.  CSV files have been working for multi sheet, complex accounting for years. We are not that complex, or need not be that complex for the handheld ATM card. And we generally need encryption on transmissions.  Otherwise, there is enough functionality, way more than enough, in CSV grammar to meet all the known contracts or use cases.  The macro operators over the ATM sheet are approved by the NASB.  Ownership contracts, employmet contracts, all abstracted from SEC, and so on.  Open up a huge CSV industry, blows we wide open with remote bot operations, allowing power of attorney to operate hot wallets at the pits.

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