Saturday, November 3, 2018

My application will be a plug in

As I look at pages, mym bot has already extracted the plain text and is working it over with word lists.  I save and restore match output, in the MEM format, saving structure.

My application can then pop up with references, personal, where have I seen that before.  This is a stupendous reading aid, this application enables a lucrative word list technical industry, plaintext, the language of bots.  Underneath our web surfing, bots exchange word lists describing the stuff they been reading lately.  All their readnwritn is plain words with Dot,Comma and Paranth pair.  Simple structural gramar with easy to manage symbols, Watson in the extreme.

I will write the web put ands get attachment.  It has standard step adn skip grammar, except it steps and skips the dot connected http URL addresses.  Keeps collections if them in structural foram and steps through them, under a matching Lazy graph.  Generates structured plain text to MEM. The human user can point and click on whole classes of word lists for cross reference, extremely fast, right in the browser.  Not only is the human no longer bothered with ads, the human can also ignore the text, video, images and whatever else bloggers dream of. Bloggers, in general have bots that do this backwards I presume.

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