Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Apple ID wins another one

Australia's digital identity solution to soon link with myGov
"A couple of things you might have troubles with, username, passwords, trying to remember those things could be problematic -- the other part is actually linking services," Thorpe told Sailpoint Navigate in Sydney on Wednesday.
"When people say they have a problem with myGov it's actually trying to get to Centrelink, sometimes it's trying to get to the tax office, those kind of problems. So we see the integration of digital identity really important here, because this is part of a journey."
Thorpe said a series of pilots will be run this year to uplift the digital identity's credentials strength; make it more like a banking experience, such as using Apple's Face ID or fingerprint authentication, as some examples, to log into myGov; and to reduce some of the questions government asks a user when linking services together.
Good idea, they want to expand it to everyone.  The technology  should also be used to prevent unknown data theft.

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