Thursday, August 8, 2019

It is in the news you idiot

Where Do Lone Wolf Mentally Ill Mass Murders Get Their Ideas About a "Hispanic Invasion"?:

BY PAUL CAMPOS and make shit up.

I have news for Paul Campos, the border crisis was in the news during the Obama regime, it remained in the news. The immigrants are coming from failed Hispanic states. The issue is, why is the USA responsible to take care of failed Hispanic states in Central America?
Not convinced? Consider Puerto Rico and Venezuela for two other failed Hispanic states. Still not convinced? Look at the unemployment rate of California during the last recessions, long and painful, characteristic of a failed Hispanic state in California. Who transships the drugs from Mexico? California cartels members, characteristic of a failed Hispanic state.  e are powerless against the cartels in California, we are a failed Aispanic state.

Hispanics are OK, we just want them to learn a bit about governance.

The news says the murder rate in Mexico is a world record. So we are not worried about a bunch of Hungarians crowding the Canadian border, that is not in the news Mr. Stupid. Did Mr. Campos make this shit up because that is the Hispanic way? Dunno, but we are looking for Hispanics that can figure stuff out, not Mr. Campos.

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