Sunday, August 18, 2019

Secure ID makes autonomous vehicle work great

Your car has secure ID, tied back to your thumb printed purchase.  The car you bought will autonomously obey traffic rules, if no human drivers allowed.  And, thus, the autonomous road network is separate from human drivers, human drivers always detected, and autonomously vehicles take safe path.

Under my system, robo cars do not need much roadway, even an alley rented for the day is good in NYC, robo vehicles talk to each other, by secure contract. Rule of robotic behavior over an alley, to lane road, make shift protected lanes, anything any where, they just need urn outs for the occasional one lane paths. But otherwise, with no humans allow, transportation efficiency grows dramatically with little infrastructure.

In a way, the robo cars can pretend the roads are spiffy knew, then execute the exceptions to the rules, newtons method. They are not dealing with the uncertainty of innovative traffic, everyone on the road is chatting, securely.

Easy stuff. This is Daimler, they want this badly, not just for safe autonomy, but for insurance, maintenance, sales and everything.

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