Sunday, November 24, 2019

A compromise on data security

An NSA exception.

Qualified, and trained personal in charge of sensitive data can utilize autonomous, hand help security bots, backed by biometrics. Special purpose SecurIDt to autonomously obey security contracts on data. Each state or town can get one or more of their personnel certified, and all sensitive data is protected with two factor authentication, and logged by secure ledger.  Then the data is protected up to the counterfeiting of the device.

Most important, protected from insider cheating. The contract is proven and built underneath the counterfeit box. It holds its own keys and cannot be compromised by its user.

That is a set of data not likely to be composed of thieves, though I disagree. But it is the presumption of the system that our government units do not launder money and plan terrorism, though I disagree.

Problem solved, the technology gets developed, the NSA can go on and certify dangerous drones, and leave bearer assets out of it, for now. I mean, get the low hanging fruit, ASAP. Call these new jobs Security Officer for autonomous digital systems. They match trained people to autonomous hand held security devices.  Drone manufacturers, data security companies, and so on . They are like accountants.

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