Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Central banker gone bananas

Brainard: Fed should consider targeting longer rates in a future downturn

Somewhere they go off track in the math of it all and now are adding gadgets and price fixes to get around the original error.

In my opinion we have bankers frightened to death of another Nixon Shock gone bad. So they continually add fixes to the original 'This time is different'  scam. It won't work, especially for a reserve currency like ours. When the Swamp has another liquidity crisis and the primary dealers are overwhelmed, then she wants the Fred to fix bond prices to keep the Swamp liquid.

She needs sandbox clues, they are not reaching her. She is not keeping up. There is at least one central banker in the group getting clues. The ideas are supposed to spread, something is stopping them. I think it is simply Post Traumatic Nixon Shock, it has fouled their ability to think in the abstract.

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