Sunday, November 24, 2019

It was Trump who screwed this up

Navy Secretary Fired Over SEAL Controversy

We have a friggen nightmare in the White House, and now the Pentagon is about to rebel.
And this sudden war declaration, right out of the blue?

US Forces Attack Boats Caught Smuggling Oil To Syrian Government

Trump is way out of his league at the moment, so consumed with protesting his Ukrainian drug deal. He has widened the war against drones and the military is scared shitless while Trump is completely clueless. Hillary would have been worse, I agree. But it seems to me even Bloomberg is a significant improvement over the both of them, Warren not even in sight of rationality.

We have a pure nightmare, a chaotic situation.
There’s a real risk that over the coming months, Iran does something in the Gulf or elsewhere, and you’ve had no routine deliberative process of which the president’s been a part to assess courses of action,” said Brett McGurk, who served until late 2018 as the Trump administration’s special envoy overseeing the coalition to fight ISIS. “That means a unilateral reaction, not considered policy, in moment of crisis.
Too late. Having now declared war on Syria; Iran, Syria's ally, is free to drop drone bombs on the US military in Saudi Arabia. Then drop a few pipe bombs on US carrier. The US Military is fucked, a swarm of Iranian drones can take out an F22, they can shoot down a helicopter of marine or special forces. Iran has Russian drone help if they need it, as does Syria. Too late, Trump already fucked up.

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