Friday, November 29, 2019

GINI rises with government debt

Debt is not what we owe ourselves, debt is what poor people owe rich people.

This picture ends with what we have now, a global repudiation of the debt swindle world wide.  AOC might want to take notice before she votes for another of these primary dealer deals.

And small states might want to take notice of the toll that cash management failure has on their populations, kids and retirees abandoning the small states with federal subsidies. Next time these small states senators agree to hand their duties over to the primary dealer, they become extinct. Perhaps a clue or two is in order.

And for those who think this is normal and the rich are not that much richer, let me remind them: I have about 40 years in which the super wealthy have absconded on their central bank monopsony fees, and the debt rebels plan to collect it, with interest.

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